Supporting transformation
companies and organizations
To respond to a variety of issues, your business or organization has to adapt. It must transform, act and function differently, gain in agility, gain in flexibility and reactivity in relation to its environment.
Thus are born the transformation projects. Evolessi helps you take them by the right way and make them real collective successes.
My core business: project management aimed at simplifying organizations, structuring digital resources, creating new customer services.
My service offer

Design of a 3-5 year roadmap

Accompaniment for project success

Project management and animation training

Accompaniment for the creation of new customer services
Steps to success
Transformation projects and to perpetuate
(an ideal approach)
Go up and plan
In line with the nature of the transformation and the “reason of being” of the company or organization, based on interviews with managers and employees, a list of projects to be carried out in the medium term is produced: this list forms the basis of the master plan (roadmap). The approach is structured but participative, meetings are organized wisely to save everyone’s time
The master plan thus constituted gives visibility and priorities, it outlines the road to follow in terms of projects to be carried out over a period of 3 to 5 years, at the service of the transformation at stake.
Support(coach) the success of a project
Whether it’s structuring the organization, choosing and implementing new software and digital solutions, everything plays out in the early stages of the project. Evolessi Conseil supports you and provides you with the tools adapted to the context.
It is important to precisely frame the project, to anchor it in a logic of change management
Develop project management skills, develop work in project mode
To ensure that the organization gains overall flexibility, agility, autonomy, so that it knows how to adapt as soon as possible and as quickly as possible to new constraints, it is important to bring people up to skill on working in project mode. In particular, middle management must develop practices and knowledge useful for working in project mode as well as a position of leadership of influence more than that of authority leadership..
Innovate and develop new customer services
A complementary approach to the project approach, an effective innovation approach is one that produces services that are useful to customers, achievable and profitable, technically feasible. It reassures because it fuels the future and promises the sustainability of the company or organization.
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